Monday, August 14, 2006

Actual Conversation

I'm ba-ack. Holla at your homegirl.

Internship complete, I am staying with my Dad for a week before I head back to A-town.

Staying with Dad is complicated. Mostly because little things are blown out of proportion.

Here is an actual conversation I endured today:

Dad: Did you know we had a coat closet?

Me: Uh...yeah. I grew up here. I've seen it.

Dad: Did you know we had a utility room? It also has a coat closet.

Me: Dad what's your obsession with coat closets?

Dad: Also, in the garage, there is a rack we can put coats on.

Me: OK...

Dad: And in your room you have a closet. You could put coats in there.

Me: Dad....I get the point.

Dad: All of the options I just listed are appropriate places to put your jean jacket. You know where's not an appropriate place to leave a jean jacket? The office. The office is not an appropriate place to leave a jean jacket.

Me: Dad...OK.

Dad: The office is for working. Closets are for coats.

Me: Dad please stop saying coats and please stop saying jean jacket. Just please stop saying both of those terms.

Dad: I wouldn't have to say coats or jean jacket if you knew where the appropriate places were to store coats and jean jackets.

Me: I will pay you to stop talking about this.

Dad: Will you pay me the cost of getting a housekeeper to come into the house to put away your coats and jean jackets?