Sunday, September 03, 2006

Cause and Effect

My friend, her daughter (also known as my favorite four-year-old) and I set out on a trip to Old Navy and Toys-R-Us today. The adventure is about 1/2 an hour away by car.

Not ten minutes into the drive my Fav. 4 announces her throat is dry. We tell her to tough it out for a little while and we'll get her a delicious beverage upon arrival.

Two minutes later, puke. That's right, puke. Little 4 didn't just have a dry throat, she had an upset stomach.

While feeling bad is well, to put it in four-year-old terms, "yucky," nothing could be worse than vomiting on your favorite princess coloring book. (Insert little tear face here).

Worse still is that Toys-R-Us and Old Navy are now associated with vomit. More than once Little 4 made clear she would not be going on any other road trips that involved chic clothes at bargain prices, or a delectable wonderland of toys.

Toys-R-Us + Old Navy + Car = Puke and therefore, RUINED PRINCESS COLORING BOOK!!!