Monday, March 06, 2006

This Blog is a Pipe Bomb

Last week a bike parked outside of a snack shop in Athens, the Oasis, caused a lot of commotion. A sticker on the bike that read "this bike is a pipe bomb" made a police officer take a second look at the bike. The bomb squad was called.

Three hours of investigation later, it appears the sticker boasted the name of a band from Pensacola, Florida. The bike, was in fact, NOT a pipe bomb.

The bike or what remains of it, belongs to a grad student who happens to be an avid bike rider. He's now being charged with inducing panic.

Yikes, yikes, double double yikes yikes.

If he'd just stuck it on his car, he'd probably still have a bike.

This story is probably going to show up in news of the weird all over the country. Maybe this will inspire a new Princeton Review Ranking for Ohio U. Most Biker Friendly?