Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Reasons I Miss My Roommate (Part 1)

I hereby post this kitty picture as a tribute to Megan's obsession with kitties.

I included part one in the title even though I have yet to write a second set of reasons, as I am positive I will think of more later.

1. Eating Alone
I much prefer eating with Megan to eating alone.

2. Food Responsibility
I much prefer the opportunity for Megan to cook than me having to provide for myself at every meal.

3. Agreement
I appreciate coming home and being able to whine about something in my life that is separate from Megan's and then just having her go "Yeah, that sucks." Because it does. And she knows it and doesn't have enough knowledge about it to argue with me.

4. Special Stuff
I miss the weird voices and noises and inside jokes that inevitably make us both feel better even after the 100th retelling of the "Hoagie Roll/A Gyro" story.

5. Reason to Procrastinate
If Megan is about to watch Wife Swap, it's a great excuse for me not to read. It's a way better excuse then planning to watch Wife Swap myself.

6. Cleanliness
I am much cleaner when Megan lives here because I have to respect our joint living situation.

7. Justin
I like when he's around and he's normally around when she's around.

8. Art Projects
Megan normally gets to do some sweet art-related projects and I like having markers and yard sticks out and then running to Kinko's at midnight to laminate something with her.

9. Brenda Calls
I miss hearing about how Megan's mom has called that day and said something ridiculously funny.

10. Joint Account
I like just charging everything to the joint account, which is on hold at the moment when she's in NYC.


Anonymous said...

What a nice bloggy:) Some things you forgot:
1) Getting grills confiscated
2) Megan Bramblies
3) Bills Bills Bills, or Bug-A-Boo
4) Sexy Hooded Robe and Meatloaf lyrics
5) Homemade Broiling pans.
6) Craigslist Revelation
7) Various fraggle comparisons
8) Taco Night!
9) Fog lamps and beer pong table partys with Tuttie in Beavercreek
10) Auto mans